This is a picture I took in the mirror last night as a sort of record of my old profile. It looks kind of goofy because I just took it in my room wearing a not very flattering red pajama shirt. But whatever... The point is you can see my nose pretty well.
This is actually my good side. |
After surgery, I don't know how it's going to look. For a few days at least REALLY BRUISED AND SWOLLEN but when that all dies down in a few weeks the line of the nose and chin will be different.
(On that note, a certain person told me "I still want to hang out with you, broken nose or not!" To which I replied, "Yeah, dude, but you realize that if we're out together and I look like someone punched me in the face, you'll be the one getting side-eye.")
I'm looking forward to it (but not to the 7:30 start time, ugh), and I think my face will look really cute and still like me afterward, but I just kind of wanted to take this picture to remember how my face used to look. Even though I don't like the bump in my nose at all and the proportions have always looked wonky to me.
After surgery, I'll have to take a new photo of the difference. Depending on how bad it looks the "immediately-post-surgery" photos might not end up being posted online. But I'll probably take some just out of morbid curiosity just like I took selfies of my swollen up cheek post wisdom tooth removal.
Not looking forward to getting up at 5:30 tomorrow. But the medical staff all says I'll fall asleep under twilight sedation anyway, so it's not like I really have to be there for the surgery. I'm really hoping that as soon as they stick my arm I'll just wake up in the recovery room without feeling like any time has passed, and then just get down to the business of recovery.
Finally my stash of masks from Japan is going to come in handy! Not sure if I'll actually remember to use on after surgery on the day (my memories wisdom tooth removed, which is my only relevant experience, are pretty fuzzy) but I can definitely wear it when I'm going to the store or whatever in the ensuing days.
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